The enemy seeks to destroy you...
Prepare MY CHILDREN for the coming battle.
Spend time with ME to build yourself up.
Spend time in MY WORD.
The coming days will be a critical time. Use your time wisely now. Turn to ME for direction. MY Heart is to keep you safe.
The enemy seeks to destroy you. He never fights fair. He has used fear to manipulate so many over the past 2 years. He has used fear to control.
Perfect love casts out fear. Build yourself up in ME & MY LOVE & you will defeat fear. Take authority over fear & cast it out. It has no power over a CHILD of the MOST HIGH GOD!
Put on the full armor of GOD.
Speak MY WORD.
Use your sword.
Decree & declare.
Bind & loose.
It’s time to take your place!
No longer can you sit on the sidelines. We are at war & I need you to engage.
Rise up MY CHILDREN! Rise up!
We cannot fail when we all unite & take our places in the body.”