They have played right into MY HANDS!

“Who is greater than ME says I AM?


The evil ones think they have out moved ME but they have played right into MY HANDS!  Whoever they replace I can and will remove.  So DO NOT FEAR MY CHILDREN.  We’ve only just begun.

Remember MY Dear Ones, MY WAYS ARE NOT YOUR WAYS. 

It won’t always look like a win, but trust ME when I say I AM in control. 

Keep your focus on ME. 

Carry out the assignments I give you. 

Don’t allow distractions to de-rail you. 

Counter fear with praise & worship.  Let your praises rise up continually. 

Enlist the Heavenly Hosts to tear down platforms & strongholds. 

Use MY WORD as your sword. 

Decree & declare counters to every evil. 

Remember the enemy is under your feet. 

Don’t forget your authority. 

It’s time to rise MY Beloved Children.  Rise up & take back your country!”

Do you have any idea how much GOD loves you?