Moving against the wicked....
“Beloved MY Hand is moving today. Moving against the wicked & moving towards the righteous.
Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Shumer, Adam Schift, Jerry Nadler, Obama, The Clintons, George W. Bush, Prince Charles, Angela Merkel, Justin Trudeau, Macron of France, The Pope, The Saudi’s, Iran, China.
I’ve seen everything.
Your time is up!
You will not take MY America!
I have interrupted all your plans. They were not allowed to succeed to the measure you wanted. These new plans you are trying to implement will not come to pass either. Instead they will backfire. Back into your own camp. You will reap exactly what you have sown. Death & total destruction. You will lose everything. Some of you will even lose your lives.
You will have no money, no power & no freedom. You tried to strip MY America of everything I blessed her with but you will be the ones stripped!
I AM overturning the evil you have brought. You will go down in history as the ones who wanted to destroy America. Your names will be reviled by everyone.
I AM bringing forth new leaders that love ME & they love the country I established. They will seek ME & put MY Plans in place. The evil stain of abortion & Baal worship will be removed. MY NAME will be known as the MOST HIGH GOD over all the world. I AM the LORD your REDEEMER!”