10/31/21 ~ This is the day the LORD has made

My DAY says the LORD....

“This is the day that the LORD has made says the Great I AM.  This day belongs to ME!  Then enemy thinks it is set aside for him.  He has deceived many with his dark witchcraft.  But no more!  I AM exposing the tremendous evils that occur especially on this day.  MY people will be so sickened by what they see they will never participate in this day again! 

I own all of time and I will redeem every second of it!  I will take back this day for ME!  It will no longer be a day of death but a day of LIFE! 

The enemy is defeated once again!  And soon will be defeated once again! And soon will be defeated for good! 

DO NOT BE deceived MY CHILDREN.  The enemy’s whole goal is to destroy you.  He has many ways he tries to infiltrate your lives & those of your children.  DO NOT give him entrance.  Repent & turn whole heartedly to ME! 

I have only good plans for you.  I AM bringing so many new things to the Earth it will make your head spin!

 You have entered a new era.  The Kingdom era.  My ways will be prevalent in the earth once more.  My people will long for righteousness and they will once again implement it in every area of society. 

Yes, there will still be evil, but it will be driven back for a time.  MY LIGHT will shine brightly once again.  The time of the Great Harvest is here!  My SON’S sacrifice will be glorified!  A great harvest of souls is HIS reward!  MY Presence is about to hit the Earth like it never has before.  It will be felt & even seen in some places. 

The great end time wealth transfer is upon you as well.  MY CHILDREN will walk in prosperity like they’ve never known.  It will mark them as MINE!  The captives will be set free!  This will be known as the Greater Exodus!  MY CHILDREN WORLDWIDE will be set free!

 Prepare yourselves! 

Prepare your hearts! 

Trust ME!



 Seek MY FACE!


Do you have any idea how much GOD loves you?