12/31/21 ~ Take MY Hand

Take HIS Hand.....

” My Beloved children embrace your destiny.  Walk with ME in this new year.  Take MY Hand.  Let ME lead & guide you.  I will steer you in the way you should go. 

DO NOT FEAR what you see happening around you.  The shakings are still necessary to wake the sleeping up. 

The wicked will have no peace.  Their time is up.  MY Hand has already begun to move against them.  Their wicked schemes will be exposed more & more.  People they have used will suddenly understand what has been going on.  They will turn away from them.  Exposure in great measure is coming in 2022.  There will be nothing hidden.  Know that I AM in control.  I will right the ship in 2022.  Great celebrations will sweep the entire world in 2022.  My children will take their places and move into a GLORIOUS time in histroy.

So do no be downcast.  Things will change suddenly on a dime.  I will move MY HAND & wipe the slate clean.

Says the LORD of HOSTS “

Do you have any idea how much GOD loves you?