You are stepping into your destinies.
“I know how the story ends Beloved.
We win!
Remember this every day. We win!
You are the head & not the tail.
You are above & not beneath.
You lend & do not borrow.
You are blessed coming & going.
You walk in divine favor.
My Plans are always good for you.
Place your full trust in ME.
Drown in MY LOVE for you. It brings life!
Remember MY Faithfulness Beloved. Keep it before you. I will not fail you! Your soul was purchased at a great price. You are a priceless treasure to ME.
The battle ahead will be great for I AM taking back MY Timeline.
The enemy is already defeated! The life you’ve know is about to change MY CHILDREN. You are stepping into your destinies. You were created for such a time as this.
Don’t shrink back but step forward in boldness. Know who you are & Who you serve. No weapon will prosper against you.
Battle in worship & battle in prayer. Speak forth MY WORD! Use it! Use your authority.
That is how you win!”