The news will begin to turn.
“MY CHILDREN be encouraged today. I AM moving mightily on your behalf. MY HAND of protection is upon you. The wicked have no protection. They are completely exposed. They’ve no where to hide.
DO NOT FEAR the crash. It will appear all is lost but I AM the Redeemer. I will repay & restore. I will bring increase beyond your wildest dreams. I AM the GOD of the impossible. There is nothing too hard for ME. I own all the gold & silver & the cattle upon a thousand hills. I AM the GOD of Abundance, Not lack. Dream big MY CHILDREN & I will out do even that.
The news will begin to turn. Truth will start to be revealed instead of lies. The avalanche will be impossible to hide. The true faces of some will shock the masses. Satan is the father of deception so it really shouldn’t be surprising. The truth about the layers upon layers of corruption will be exposed. The truth about how much of your country has been sold out for money & power. So many will be tried for treason. There will be some who repent & their eternal soul will be saved. There will be many who will not & they will spend eternity in the pit. Pray MY CHILDREN, for the FEAR of the LORD to come upon those who will turn.
Pray for your brothers & sisters to have strength to face what will be made known. Build yourselves up in your most Holy Faith. Pray in tongues as much as you can.
The closing act will begin very soon. It will be more spectacular than any Hollywood blockbuster!”
Haggai 2:8NLT The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies.
Psalm 50:10NLT For all the animals of the forest are mine, and I own the cattle on a thousand hills.
Jude 1:20AMP But you, beloved, build yourselves up on [the foundation of] your most holy faith [continually progress, rise like an edifice higher and higher], pray in the Holy Spirit