I change not.

“I placed each star in the sky Beloved.   I formed each mountain with the words from MY Mouth.  I gave the oceans their boundaries.  I parted the same ocean waves so MY People could escape on dry ground.  Then I closed them & swallowed up the wicked ones who had oppressed MY CHILDREN. 

I AM the same yesterday, today & forever.  I change not.

Do you doubt I will rescue you now?   I’ve already said thru MY Prophets the time for the end is not yet.

Though the world is in turmoil it is all well in MY control.  Have NO FEAR MY CHILDREN.  You are protected under the shadow of MY WINGS.  I will not forsake you.  Even when all appears lost remember there is nothing too hard for ME.  I AM the GOD of the impossible. 

Remember the story of Lazarus.  All appeared lost.  Remember the death of MY SON, all appeared lost.

Then in splendor & glory, a new day dawned. 

Nothing has changed MY CHILDREN.  A new day is on your horizon.

Thru the storms, earthquakes, mountains blowing their tops, wars & rumors of wars, I AM still on MY Throne! 

Though the evil one is attempting to overthrow time, he is defeated Beloved.

Stand strong!  Trust in ME!  Let MY Peace that surpasses all understanding wash over you.

Celebration is closer than you think.”

Philippians 4:7   and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

John 11  The story of Lazarus

Matthew 28  Jesus’ resurrection

Exodus 14:21-31   The parting of the Red Sea

Do you have any idea how much GOD loves you?