Examine yourself...

“My People are on the threshing floor just like the wicked are in this time.  

I AM exposing things in every person that need to be addressed.

The wicked as well as the righteous will reap what they’ve sown.

Examine yourself Beloved. 

Ask ME to show you what needs correction.

Be willing to repent & make changes.

Be obedient.

It may seem painful but it will bring freedom.

I AM a good Father.

I love you enough to correct you.

Don’t be ashamed or be in condemnation.

Come to ME for help.

I will be there for you.”

Matthew 7: 1-5 TPT

1 “Refuse to be a critic full of bias toward others, and you will not be judged. 2 For you’ll be judged by the same standard that you’ve used to judge others. The measurement you use on them will be used on you. 3 Why would you focus on the flaw in someone else’s life and fail to notice the glaring flaws of your own? 4 How could you say to your friend, ‘Let me show you where you’re wrong,’ when you’re guilty of even more? 5 You’re being hypercritical and a hypocrite! First acknowledge and deal with your own ‘blind spots,’ and then you’ll be capable of dealing with the ‘blind spot’ of your friend.

Do you have any idea how much GOD loves you?