We are aware...

“Beloved, We don’t stand over you with a clip board marking checks & X’s for every little thing you do & don’t do. 

The enemy brings condemnation. 

Not us. 

So whenever you feel you are not “performing” perfectly or “doing” something right, that’s the enemy trying to discourage you.  

We don’t feel that way at all.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  We delight in spending time with you whenever & wherever. 

We love teaching you, period.  We love your developing process.  We know it will take time for you to evolve into who you were designed to be. 

Don’t beat yourself up over insignificant little detours.  We will get you back on the right path quickly because you are seeking Us. 

Your faith in Us grows daily & We love that!  We are aware of the feeling you have that you are doing something wrong.  We want to take that feeling completely away.

Your existence is not wrong!  Far from it!  We take great joy in knowing you.  You are part of Us & We love you immensely.

We are crazy about you! 

That’s all We ask in return, that you are crazy about Us!  Let us be crazy together 🙂

We want you filled with our passion for others so this will spread across mankind.  We created each & every human being & desire for all to come to know Us. 

Help Us spread this message of joy & acceptance.  We absolutely adore you & all of Our creation!

Abba, Jesus & Holy Spirit”

Romans 8:1 NLT

So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus

Do you have any idea how much GOD loves you?