Speak freedom...

“Speak freedom MY CHILDREN.  Decree & declare freedom for it is surely coming.  The chaos will break the chains of your enemy.

Praise ME in the storm, in the dark of night, Praise ME in spite of fear.  It will flee when you Praise ME!

Take back your authority & use it.  Stand up & speak! 

I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy.  Use your authority.

Make use of MY Hosts.  They are yours to command.  Send them to the battle.  They can not lose.”

Proverbs 18:21 NKJV

  Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.

Luke 10:19  NKJV

   Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

Hebrews 1:14 NKJV

   Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister FOR (emphasis mine) those who will inherit salvation?



Do you have any idea how much GOD loves you?