8/13/21 ~ Unprecedented

The word of the LORD is good...

“Your praise & prayers please ME Beloved.  Both are necessary as never before.  What I AM doing in the earth is unprecedented.   Things will be like they never have before!  I AM not only awakening the United States but the entire world.   There will be a great harvest.  MY SON will have HIS inheritance!  DO NOT BE AFRAID OF THE SHAKING THAT IS COMING!  I AM WITH YOU!  There will be distress in many places but it will not come near you because you abide under the shadow of MY WINGS!  People will tremble with fear but the fear will turn them to ME.  MY JUSTICE will be swift, it will not last long.  But it will bring about great changes that will last for generations.  Stay close to ME Beloved!  I will lead & guide your every step.  You will be blessed greatly.  It will bring GLORY to MY NAME!  MY CHILDREN WILL BE BLESSED! 

Great miracles & signs & wonders will manifest from MY CHILDREN.  These signs & miracles will draw even more people to me!  The harvest is great!  The workers are few but I will give them strength & power they need to keep going.  Supernatural energy & renewing of their strength.  Sickness & disease will be far from them.  Rebuke cancer in the name of MY SON & it will die!  You will see limbs grow from nothing, the wheelchair bound will walk, the blind will see, ears will hear.  New organs are available to all who need them.  I want to lavish MY LOVE ON MY CHILDREN.  I WANT ALL MY SONS & DAUGHTERS TO COME HOME!  MY CHILDREN WILL BE SET FREE FROM ADDICTIONS & BONDAGES!  BELIEVE & YOU WILL SEE! 

The enemy has over played his hand & it is now time for ME to call him out.  Time has changed because it is MY TIME!  MY GLORY is about to hit the earth like never before. 

You will see people stopped in their cars on the side of the road weeping because MY PRESENCE will be so strong!  BE READY, BE PREPARED, keep your oil filled!  I AM coming soon for MY BRIDE who will be without spot or wrinkle! 


Do you have any idea how much GOD loves you?