I AM breaking the chains...
“Are you ready for some exciting times on the Earth Beloved?
I AM breaking the chains of the wicked.
They will no longer have a death grip on every area of society.
New & exciting things are coming.
Freedom as you have never seen.
There will still be darkness around but not to the degree it has been.
There will be a time of true freedom not only in US but around the world.
A new money system that will bring great prosperity with it.
New inventions. Medical breakthroughs.
Sickness & disease won’t be the norm.
People will live longer & in better health than before.
More & more people will come to know ME.
MY Glory will fill the Earth.
MY Eklessia will rise.
Entertainment will become more wholesome.
Clothing preferences will change.
Modesty will be desired.
MY Ways will become desired.
Love will rule & reign Beloved.”