8/6/22 ~ CHANGE

You will see & understand...

“Life can change in an instant MY Children.
That’s the way I designed it to be.
Sometimes I will lead you down a long, winding path that has a purpose to teach you along the way.
Other times I will suddenly move & life as you know it has changed.
You, MY Children, are in the season of suddenlies.
Have NO FEAR because I AM in it all.
You will see & understand MY Purpose & Plan on the other side of suddenly.
It is a time for you to trust ME like never before.
Use your faith.
Believe ME.
Believe MY Prophets.
I AM speaking thru them to give you vision & instruction, warning & insight.
Don’t discount them because you don’t understand.
I will bring the true ones to the top. 
Don’t be deceived.
I AM giving MY People greater discernment.
They will operate at a new higher level.
MY Glory will start dropping on MY Children more & more. 
It will do nothing but increase from this point on.
MY Daughters voices are being lifted & loosed. 
They will walk in great boldness.
I AM using them to speak.
They were born for such a time as this.
Walk in confidence MY Daughters for I AM with you says the LORD your GOD.
You will take your places in government positions, in education, in arts & entertainment, in families, in the Eklessia, in financial arenas, in medicine, in companies around the globe.
You will rise up & be who I created you to be.
MY Body will begin to function as one BODY under MY Headship.
The Kingdom Age is here.
Step up & step out MY Children, your time to shine for ME has come.”

2 Corinthians 5:7 NKJ
For we walk by faith, not by sight.

Amos 3:7 NKJ
Surely the Lord God does nothing,
Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.

Romans 8:19 NKJ
The creation waits in eager expectation for the revelation of the sons of God.

Do you have any idea how much GOD loves you?