More & more exposure...
“MY People are rising up.
They are no longer tolerating the lies from the enemy.
They are no longer buying what they are selling.
The Awakening is in full force.
The enemy is starting to fight amongst themselves.
Soon they will completely turn upon each other.
They will destroy themselves.
I have swept back the veil to give people a clear view of what’s been going on.
More & more exposure will keep coming.
There is no way to stop it now.
The avalanche of truth has started.
This month of August you will see some great falls.
Political falls, celebrity falls, religious falls, financial falls.
This is just the beginning of falls.
The great fall will be in the fall.
What is the great fall?
Watch & see.
You will know it when you see & hear it.
My Children hold on to your faith.
Believe that I AM your deliverer.
I will not let you fall.
Only your enemies will.”
1 Corinthians 16:13
Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong.