You are MY Bride...
“MY Son suffered a brutal death on the cross so mankind could live in eternity with ME.
Man started in the Garden of Eden.
MY Plan has always been to bring man back to that same place.
A place of Heaven on Earth.
The enemy does everything he can to stop MY Plan, but he won’t succeed.
MY Plan will go forth.
MY Kingdom will reign.
MY People will reign on Earth.
They will occupy until I return.
MY Eklessia will wake up & take their places.
I will receive MY Inheritance.
Many sons & daughters will come into the Kingdom.
MY Bride will be made ready.
No spots, no wrinkles.
She will walk in power & authority as I always intended her to.
She won’t be intimidated by the enemy.
She won’t be bought off, deceived & ineffective.
She will rise up in all her glory & defeat the giants in the land.
She will walk into her Promised Land & reign.
She will pull the Kingdom down from Heaven onto this Earth.
Do not doubt this MY Children.
You are MY Bride.
It’s time to get started.
It’s time for MY Will to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Don’t listen to the lies of the enemy any longer.
You have authority over him.
My Son took all authority from him & gave it back to you.
Adam ceded that power for a time but Jesus got it back.
The enemy has spent all his time since convincing MY People otherwise.
He has pushed the escape narrative since Jesus rose from the grave.
His only option was to deceive.
He was allowed to be successful for a time, but now I AM taking back the timeline.
MY Plans will go forth.
MY Church will awaken & slay the giants once more.
I AM removing the veil.
MY Glory will pour out on all flesh.
Each person will choose whom they will serve.
Their creator or the imposter.
The lover of their soul or the manipulator.
MY Plans for you are good, to give you hope & a future.
To prosper you & bless you abundantly.
To do more than you can ask or think.
To love you so completely that life pours out of you into others!
The deceiver only comes to kill, steal, & destroy.
That is not who I AM.
The enemy wants to steal your destiny so that MY Plans & Purpose for your life never happen.
What he has never figured out is that I always have the last move. I always win!
When you choose MY Path you will always win too!
So I say again, choose ME! Choose Life!
Don’t be deceived by lies MY Beloved Children.
Rise up in your authority & occupy the land.
Don’t get distracted by the escape narrative.
This is not the time for that!
MY Eklessia has much work to do.
The enemy will not rush this assignment!
I won’t allow it.
I AM the creator of Heaven & Earth!
I will decide when enough is enough, not him!
“You can take that to the bank”, says the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.”