Hi, I’m Shanna (Shawna). Child of the Most High God, Jesus seeker, wife, mother, daughter, sister. I’m glad you’re here! My purpose with this site is to glorify My Lord and Savior, Jesus. I’m excited to laugh, to teach, to learn, to encourage but most of all to point you to Jesus. HE’S the one with all the answers.
At the beginning of 2021, I decided to start writing down what I heard the LORD say to me daily. HE is always speaking. We just have to slow down enough to hear HIM. At first what I heard was personal, just for me. Over time, it became apparent HE wanted me to start sharing what I was hearing. Through writing down HIS WORDS I’ve grown closer to HIM than I’ve ever been. HE is Magnificent! HE loves each and every one of us so passionately. HIS heart breaks when yours does, HE knows how many hairs are on your head and HE collects your tears and keeps them. HE has been blamed for so much evil that HE has no part of. I’m here to set the record straight and tell you that HE is Absolutely Good! I truly hope you will see HIS heart for you in the posts.
I’ve always thought things I’ve done in my life were random. Mistakes I’ve made , jobs I’ve worked, trials I’ve walked through and experiences I’ve had. Now I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, they were not random. Even when I made terrible choices they’ve all had a purpose. The purpose was getting me right here, right now stepping out in faith on a new adventure with ABBA Father. HE gives beauty for ashes and works all things together for our good.
I had a shop on Etsy for a number of years. HE asked me a few months ago to let it go. Now, ABBA, has asked me to start a new thing. “New name, new thing” were HIS exact words. “Let ME show you what doing it MY WAY is like” HE said. So here we are. We will see where this adventure takes us. I can hardly wait!
~ Shanna